When I first arrived in the Treasure Valley there were several things I fell in love with right away: the mountains, the tight-knit community, and of course, the cleanliness of the city. One of the first things I noticed while driving through downtown Boise was how well kept everything was. It didn’t stop with downtown either, everywhere I went it looked like something out of a movie. As a father of two little girls, it made me that much more excited to take the kids out to explore the Treasure Valley.

Fast forward to now and we still love this city. My little girls have even fallen in love with Camel Back Park and its massive playground area. We try to go once a week and get the family exercise by scaling Camel Back then walking the trails around it. Once we’re winded and finished, we make our way down towards the playground. It’s at this time my daughter attempts to see how many times she can ask if we’re going down to play before we get there. Parenting, am I right?

This time around, we’re making our way down and towards the playground when I notice a pair of gloves on the ground. I didn’t think much of it before I noticed a wrapper not that far away. Surely no one had a snack and decided to just throw the wrapper on the ground… right?

I figured that this was no big deal, there’s bound to be random trash or debris in some places. We’re all human.

It wasn’t until we got to the playground that I noticed some random items on the ground including something very dangerous to our children.

From Used Masks to Glass, Camel Back Park Faces a Dangerous Problem

Here are some of the items I stumbled across while taking my 4-year-old and 1-year-old to Camel Back Park to play.

If Your Kids Miss The Snow, Visit These Treasure Valley Favorites

With the snow subsiding and finally melting around the Treasure Valley, there's a lot of kids who are going to miss it! We asked Idahoans where the best places are to take the kids if they're missing the snow.

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