With Idaho roots seven-years-deep, Ryan’s lived somewhat of a gypsy life as a military spouse for the last 14 years. From Chicago to Germany, to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, she’s found her forever home in Star and on the radio! Assumed to be a man with Low-T, Ryan’s spent the majority of her adult life fending off solicitations for male enhancement products. She also resents the assumption that Dude Ryan wouldn’t be a virile beef cake. Always Miss Manners, she finds it amusing when people are surprised by her spitfire sense of humor and penchant for sipping bourbon with her burly, bearded hubby. She loves writing, watching kids wipe out at the playground, and any reason that gets her out of doing the laundry. True story: she once donated three baskets of freshly washed laundry she didn’t feel like folding and highly recommends it. If you call her and don’t tell her she’s on speakerphone with your kids within earshot, you most certainly will next time.