Popular Capri Sun Kids Drink Under Fire in Class Action LawsuitPopular Capri Sun Kids Drink Under Fire in Class Action LawsuitThe lawsuit questions what's in the drink and how it is marketed to potential customers. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Is It Time To Change The Way Jury Duty Is Done In Boise?Is It Time To Change The Way Jury Duty Is Done In Boise?Is this the biggest pain in the rear-end in the Treasure Valley?ChrisChris
How Much Is Jury Duty Pay in WA, OR, and CA in 2024?How Much Is Jury Duty Pay in WA, OR, and CA in 2024?Run them coins, as the kids say! Jury duty pay is not much, but it still counts. Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
There Have Been LESS Idaho Divorces Since PandemicThere Have Been LESS Idaho Divorces Since PandemicA lot of cities, and states have been reporting an increase in break ups and divorce fillings but not here in Idaho. Couples seem to be working through and overcoming marital complications and disagreements and staying together.Nikki WestNikki West
Live Chicken in Idaho CourtLive Chicken in Idaho CourtCindy Tefft of Spirit Lake, Idaho brought a live chicken named Grace into a Kootenai court room. Here's why!CarlyCarly