Disease Spreading Through Seattle Has Many Praying for DeathDisease Spreading Through Seattle Has Many Praying for DeathThere has been a nasty disease going around Washington, and it has hit Seattle as well, for those who have had it, at times death sounded like a good option.JeffJeff
FDA RECALL: Popular Cheese Sold In Utah Can Kill The ElderlyFDA RECALL: Popular Cheese Sold In Utah Can Kill The ElderlyCheck your fridge! If you consume this cheese, it can lead to some serious health problems or even death.ChrisChris
Which Of Idaho’s Counties Has the Highest Number of Lyme Disease Cases?Which Of Idaho’s Counties Has the Highest Number of Lyme Disease Cases?When the spring and summer months hit in the United States, the words “Lyme disease” and “ticks” go hand in hand in the media. Michelle HeartMichelle Heart
The Top 5 Causes of Death in Idaho Are Actually Pretty ShockingThe Top 5 Causes of Death in Idaho Are Actually Pretty ShockingThis data is both surprising and heartbreaking.Stephanie GullStephanie Gull
Idaho Fish and Game Narrow Disease Killing Hundreds of Deer in N. IdahoIdaho Fish and Game Narrow Disease Killing Hundreds of Deer in N. IdahoIdaho wildlife biologist have been able to narrow down the type of disease that has killed nearly 300 deer in north Idaho in the past several weeks.Benito BaezaBenito Baeza
Fatal Elk Hoof Disease Hits IdahoFatal Elk Hoof Disease Hits IdahoIt leads to sores, lesions, and can make elk hooves look like slippers. This is scary stuff, and it's made its way into Idaho.CarlyCarly
Chicken Salmonella LinkChicken Salmonella LinkHaving on-demand access to fresh eggs is great, right? Well, not when they come with a side of a deadly disease.Chris CruiseChris Cruise