Today marks a significant milestone for the Boise community as city officials, alongside residents, gathered to celebrate the groundbreaking ceremony...
In a significant milestone for the Boise Airport and the City of Boise, the eagerly anticipated East Parking Garage has officially opened its doors. This...
Not long after, still 1916, a circus came through Mountain Home. A monkey decided to retire from his life in the circus and escaped. He was found later in the desert of Mountain Home, well after the traveling circus had moved on.
Idaho has a strong commitment to sustainability, recycling, being resourceful and utilizing natural recourses. Boise leads the country as one of the most earth friendly and 'green' cities in the country.
This museum teaches visitors of all ages more about clean water and sustainability in interesting ways. Now with a new major make-over it is going to have even more to discover.
It is called the "Pathway Master Plan" and the Boise City Council voted unanimously to approve it. Once finished, 76 percent of Boiseans will be within a 10 minute walk of a park while also connecting to work, school and shopping.