Should Idahoans Be Allowed To Wear Elf Ears To Work?Should Idahoans Be Allowed To Wear Elf Ears To Work?Is this freedom of expression, or is simply breaking the dress code?Chris CruiseChris Cruise
Famous Boise Landmark Is To Host A Batman Dance-OffFamous Boise Landmark Is To Host A Batman Dance-OffYou read that right... and you better believe there are prizes involved!ChrisChris
Look At the AMAZING Costumes You Missed at Boise’s Gem State Comic ConLook At the AMAZING Costumes You Missed at Boise’s Gem State Comic ConThe third annual event was held at Expo Idaho on April 1-2, 2023. Didn't get to go? Here's a look at the great cosplay costumes you missed. Michelle HeartMichelle Heart
Embrace Your Inner Nerd at Giant Cosplay Meet-Up in Meridian This WeekendEmbrace Your Inner Nerd at Giant Cosplay Meet-Up in Meridian This WeekendYou may not have been lucky enough to secure a badge for this weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con, but you can still get in touch with your inner nerd on Saturday! Michelle HeartMichelle Heart
Look At the Amazing Costumes You Missed at Boise’s 2022 Gem State Comic ConLook At the Amazing Costumes You Missed at Boise’s 2022 Gem State Comic Con The second annual event was held at Expo Idaho on Saturday, April 9! Didn't get to go? Here's a look at the great cosplay costumes you missed. Michelle HeartMichelle Heart
Nerds Unite at the Boise Comic Arts Festival in Idaho this WeekendNerds Unite at the Boise Comic Arts Festival in Idaho this WeekendThe force will be strong in Boise this weekend as the nerds gather for the 2021 Boise Comic Arts Festival. Nate BirdNate Bird
Embrace Your Inner Nerd at Giant Cosplay Meet-Up in Meridian This WeekendEmbrace Your Inner Nerd at Giant Cosplay Meet-Up in Meridian This WeekendIt's not a Comic Con, but it's close!Michelle HeartMichelle Heart