
St. Jude Helps St. Luke’s and St. Al’s
St. Jude Helps St. Luke’s and St. Al’s
St. Jude Helps St. Luke’s and St. Al’s
This is my first time doing a St. Jude radiothon from the DJ booth. It is hard to describe how moving it has been. I have learned so much and I have so much gratitude for St. Jude, their incredible work and the donors like you who make it possible.
Click here to become a partner in hope for St. Jude because no child should have to suffer through cancer.
St Jude Radio-Thon Is On
St Jude Radio-Thon Is On
St Jude Radio-Thon Is On
One moment is all it takes.  One moment where you pick up your phone, dial the number, and join our WOW family in making a miracle happen for one special child with cancer.
Greg's Cousin's Wedding :)
Greg's Cousin's Wedding :)
Greg's Cousin's Wedding :)
And now for the main event! My cousin Allie's wedding.  One reason this was amazing, other than how gorgeous she looked and how beautiful the scenery was, is that it's a miracle I even know her.......seriously!  My Dad's family was from New York but for some reason all the time I knew him growing up I never met them or even heard hardly anything about them...
Pretty: Greg Visits NJ in the Fall
Pretty: Greg Visits NJ in the Fall
Pretty: Greg Visits NJ in the Fall
So while I still say that Idaho is the prettiest when it comes to the changing of the seasons, gotta say New Jersey has gotta be a distant 2nd. I was in a little town called Hope, NJ over the weekend for a cousin's wedding and was amazed at the fall beauty I saw...
Kicking Habits for Hope
Kicking Habits for Hope
Kicking Habits for Hope
I know what you're thinking, I don't have an extra $20 a month to become a Partner in Hope. I am here to prove you Wrong!

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