
WOW makes a trip to Ontario to give away BMF tickets!
WOW makes a trip to Ontario to give away BMF tickets!
WOW makes a trip to Ontario to give away BMF tickets!
Who ever said we can’t make road trips from time to time? Today WOW took a road trip to Ontario, Oregon to raffle away Boise Music Festival tickets to lucky attendees!  With the help of our good friends at Sears at 2441 SW 4th street in Ontario, we were able to give people further away from Boise the opportunity to win BMF tickets while also presenting them with deals on various appliances from la
Famous Footwear Ontario, OR Grand Opening
Famous Footwear Ontario, OR Grand Opening
Famous Footwear Ontario, OR Grand Opening
WOW 104.3's new afternoon gal, Zizly, made the trip out to Ontario, OR for the grand opening of the Famous Footwear shop in the Ontario Marketplace just off I84. Famous Footwear has the best deals for your summer, back to school, and work shoes, starting with buy one get one 1/2 off, and an amazingly large clearance section...