Who HASN'T wanted to do something similar? I mean, really? If you are reading this and can say you've never been so frustrated with your computer that you didn't want to enact violence towards it...then you deserve the Nobel Peace Prize!

Lucas Hinch just got a new gun, and was tired of his old computer. So, naturally, the 37-year-old Colorado Springs man took his malfunctioning Dell into an alley and shot it eight times, and was subsequently cited for violating a municipal ordinance which forbids the random firing of guns. Hinch now faces a fine for his cathartic act, but has no regrets.

“It was glorious,“ he told the L.A. Times. “Angels sung on high…It was premeditated, oh, definitely. I made sure there wasn’t anything behind it and nothing to ricochet.“

Way to "own it" Lucas...way to own it!

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