Does a box of chocolates and a teddy bear really say I love you?

If you wait until Valentine's Day to do something nice for your lady, you're missing the point. Valentine's Day is just another commercial holiday that tricks you into believing that you need to go out and buy chocolates and teddy bear for that special someone in your life so that they know that they're important to you.

If you ask me, you should be doing nice things for your partner all year long, not just on one day of the year. If you want someone to know that you love them, it's something you should show them everyday.

Romance is not something that you buy, it's how you make someone feel. It's an ever-present connection between two people that exists every day of the year, not just on Valentine's Day.

If you ask me, this guy has it figured out:

"If you wait until February 14th to romance your woman, you’re missing the point of love and relationships.

Sure, Valentine’s Day gives us an excuse to go over the top, but any sort of kind gesture loses its luster when it is expected and planned. Oscar Wilde said “The very essence of romance is uncertainty” and there is nothing uncertain about predictability.

Gentlemen, if you want to show your woman how much she means to you, any time is the right time to celebrate it. Come home with roses on a Tuesday after work. Get dressed up and go to a nice dinner (or, stay in and cook for her) just because it’s Monday. You don’t need a reason to love her.

When you are in a loving, healthy relationship – it always feels like Valentine’s day."


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