These skeletons are more sexy than spooky.

I'm always interested to see which direction people go with their Halloween decorations. Some go super dark with gore and haunting figures. Other will opt for giant inflatable and lovable characters. I am more of a fan of the latter than the former. I shouldn't have to be terrified to drive through my own neighborhood... I'm just sayin'.

But then there are decorations like this that just catch you off guard.

Yep. Those are skeletons on a pole. I'm sorry, but I can't help, but giggle snort at this. Look at those wigs!

The owner of the house is named Angela Nava and she lives in Richmond, Texas. Her front yard has now been turned into The Candy Bar, complete with a disco ball, lights, and a step and repeat for those VIP photos. The problem is that she will have to take the decorations down...


The Homeowners Association for her community has notified her that her decorations are "offensively positioned" and they must be taken down. They gave her 30 days to remove them. Which is pretty hilarious given that Halloween is about here. We're not sure when she received the letter, but she knew she could keep the dancers up through Halloween given that 30-day window.

Plus, she said she got a lot of support and laughs from her neighbors on the street so she doesn't feel guilty leaving them up. Yes, these women may be absolutely naked, BUT at least they can't give you COVID.

Oh, did I mention there are also Candy Bar customers in the yard?

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