Idaho is notorious for pretty much one thing — potatoes. Whether we like it or not, that’s just the truth. But did you know the number one most valuable...
The West Nile virus can be harmful to people, animals and livestock. Ada County is continuing to test and monitor and encourages people to take precautions.
Called House Bill 126, this bill is the industrial hemp legalization bill. Idaho farmers, like many in other states are now able to grow hemp crops as well as process and transport the plant.
The gem state is the last state that has not legalized industrial hemp. On the federal level, it has been legal to grow hemp since 2018 farm bill passed. For Idaho, the house just voted in approval, now it goes on to the senate.
Earlier this week, Alana and I were talking about that Idaho farmer who got clearance from the FAA to use drones as part of his daily farming. (You can read about it HERE.) I mean, that's pretty cool. But no drone is as cool as this one....!