$200 Pairs of Luke Bryan Concert Tix Tomorrow With Rick and Carly
Tomorrow morning Rick and Carly are giving away primo seats to the Luke Bryan concert for Thursday night at the Ford Idaho Center. It's FREE and easy to win. Follow these simple instructions and Rick and Carly will lock you into what some say IS THE HOTTEST concert of the year.
Luke Bryan Performs On NBC's "Today"
- Download the WOW Country 104.3 app for a Luke Bryan reminder
- Wait until Rick and Carly tell you to call in tomorrow morning around 7:30
- Call 208-338-1043
- The 1st three callers willing to play 'Three Lies To Tell Yo Mama' win
Each ticket is worth $100 meaning the pair you take home is worth a GRAND total of $200. You see what I did there? Mama didn't raise no idiot. A couple of pointers...
- DO NOT let your mama in on what we're doing (we have a way of sniffing that out and if your mama's not surprised and REAL we know you spilled the beans)
- Have a paper and pen ready to go (we want you to read the lies to mom verbatim so it'll save us all time)
- Know your mom's phone number (you should know that anyway)
BONUS - 1 lucky person will be chosen for signing up online below.