5 Easy Ways to Decorate Easter Eggs
I LOVE to craft! Every holiday, I love to make DIY decorations that are fun, easy, and creative. Decorating Easter eggs is definitely one of my absolute favorite thing to do. Here are five of my favorite ways to decorate eggs with the whole family.
- Credit: Joe Raedle \ Getty Images
Credit: Joe Raedle \ Getty Images 1Shaving Cream Eggs
This one is really fun and you only need two ingredients:
- Shaving Cream
- Food Coloring
1. Spread the shaving cream (I just get it from the dollar store) on a cookie sheet.
2. Add in your food coloring, 4-5 drops of whatever color you'd like. Using a toothpick, or a fork mix the colors around for a cool design.
3. Roll the egg in the shaving cream until the shell is fully covered..
4. Let the egg sit on a plate or paper towel for about 10 minutes and wipe. Viola!
This tip from parents.com suggests you soak the eggs prior to dying for more vibrant colors.
- Credit: Julian Finney / Staff | Getty Images
Credit: Julian Finney / Staff | Getty Images 2Soap Easter Eggs
Here's another really easy one! All you need for this one:
- water
- dish soap
- food coloring
Parent.com gives you the step by step tutorial:
- Mix 2 Tbs. dish soap with 1 tsp. water and 10 to 15 drops of dye.
- Blow into the solution with a straw, and then stir vigorously with the straw.
- Dip an egg into just the bubbles and let dry.
- Credit: Chip Somodevilla / Staff Getty Images
Credit: Chip Somodevilla / Staff Getty Images 3Rice Shake Eggs
Another easy one! And this one is the least messy too. For this project from craftymorning.com you'll need:
- ziploc bags
- rice
- food coloring
- gloves (optional)
First, pour some rice in each of the bags (each will be a different color).
Drop 7-10 drops of food coloring in each of the bags with your choice of colors.
Drop the hardboiled eggs in the bags, and shake away! The longer you keep them in there, the more color coverage. If you want the more speckled look, shake a bit and switch bags.
- Credit: Justin Sullivan | Getty Images
Credit: Justin Sullivan | Getty Images 4Drawing Eggs
Want to make fun custom designs on your eggs? Take a white crayon (or any contrasting color) and draw on them...whatever you like! Then dip the hard-boiled eggs in water mixed with food coloring.
The food coloring won't stain the eggs where you used the white crayon!
- Credit: Tristan Fewings \ Getty Images
Credit: Tristan Fewings \ Getty Images 5Tissue Paper Eggs
You can make fun tissue paper eggs with this tutorial. You'll need:
- Tissue paper - cut into small squares
- modge-podge (or white glue)
- paint brush
Place the small pieces of tissue paper on the egg and using the paintbrush spread some glue (or modge-podge) over the tissue paper. Continue this process with different colors of paper.
Let dry, and you're done!