Billy Jenkins has been doing radio ever since he graduated high school, which is almost 20 years now. Billy lives in East Texas with his wife Savannah and two rescue dogs Cooper and Gypsy. Billy is known for being a big sports fan, also joking around and being sarcastic quite a bit. He loves country music and giving back to his listeners in Texas.
Billy Jenkins
That Ball of Leaves in Your Tree Isn’t a Bird’s Nest
If you're noticing a big ball of leaves in trees all year round, they might not be bird nests but instead dreys which are homes for squirrels.
Salvation Army in Boise Needs Meat Donations
The Salvation Army in Boise is currently about 100 turkeys short of what they need to help the families that have requested help.
Planet Fitness is Going Into Old Shopko Building in Nampa
The first tenant is set to be Planet Fitness, their space will be closest to the WinCo Foods location.
Nonstop Flight from Boise to Atlanta in 2020
A new nonstop flight is going to be added from Boise to Atlanta from Delta set to begin on July 6, 2020.
Idaho Humane Society Needs Your Help Taking a Survey
The survey began on Monday, the goal is to collect as much data at possible then approach local leaders with suggested ordinance changes.
Graves Decorated at Idaho State Veterans Cemetery
More than 5,000 wreaths were distributed by a huge group of volunteers, in fact, it was the largest group of volunteers that have ever shown up to help with the project.
Get an Early Christmas Present, Kenny Chesney Tickets
Billy and Charene have tons of tickets to see Kenny Chesney in Seattle on July 18th, 2020 and you have a chance to win a pair each day this week.
Lowe Family Farmstead Celebrating Christmas on the Farm
There is lots of fun to be had on the final weekend before Christmas at the Lowe Family Farmstead as they host Christmas on the Farm!
Boise Fire Department Adds 21 Firefighters
21 new recruits have been added to the Boise Fire Department, it's their largest graduate academy in the department's history.
Bowling With Santa Claus in Meridian
You will be able to take photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus before he takes his big trip around the world dropping off presents.