It's that time of year, you know the one I am talking about, the one where the sounds of coughs and sniffles can be heard from aisles away.  The time when you second guess touching that door knob to get into the bathroom at work.  The time when you see Facebook posts from everyone lamenting on how they can't believe they are sick again even though they got the flu shot.  


Obviously we are all going to catch a cold, unless you possess the super human gene that repels sickness, and if that's the case we need to study you.  Since Randy has been sniffly and coughy I thought it appropriate to look into cold remedies.  I have a few tried and true methods that I go to, what do you do?  Email Us!

A few of the ones you always hear are: Echinacea.  While I don't use this one, I have noticed a symbiotic relationship between the sniffles, tissue boxes, and a box of Echinacea tea while the sneezy, coughy, riddled with cold person is checking out behind me in the grocery store. Saw an article where they quoted Dr. David Leopold, who is the director of integrative medical eduation at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine and he said in regards to Echinacea "it tends to be a little more potent than pills" and recommended mixing 15 to 20 drops into warm water four or five times a day (or whatever the bottle says).  Seems like a lot to me but on the bright side you might just pee that cold right out of you!

Another method that my best friend Copeland subscribes to is the neti pot. She actually swears by this method.  Pouring water in my nose when I am super stuffed up never really sounded appealing and I think in the back of my mind I hold an irrational fear of drowning myself with a netty pot.  That actually would be terrible but should it happen, feel free to write that in my obit.  A while ago a study came out that you shouldn't deplete your nose of protective mucus so overuse of it is discouraged because with out all of that icky stuff you are more susceptible to catching more colds.

Kim Starkey posted on our Facebook page "Garlic supplement, vitamin c, and d3. Not just once while you are sick but everyday to boost the immune system." Wonder if the garlic counts if it's in mashed potatoes?

Cindy Cravens also responded and said "cold ez..aka zink tablets, shortens the duration and lessons your symptoms!"

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