I'm so confused by this report considering we just reported that this furniture store was closing nationwide. Pier 1 Imports was posted to be closing over 450 locations across the country.

Well, I'm gonna guess not anymore? I just came across a report that was sent to my DM from House Method regarding the most popular furniture stores in Idaho. Look who came in the number one spot.

Say congratulations to Pier 1 Imports for being Idaho's number one furniture favorite. I'll be honest that I used to love Pier 1 Imports back in the day but it just moved outside my budget. I loved so much of their stuff but I have a few little ones now and they would tear it up anyway!

Photo from Emily Porter/House Method
Photo from Emily Porter/House Method

Pier 1, Pottery Barn, La-Z-Boy, Ashley HomeStore and IKEA for a few others on the list across the country. No, no, noooooooo, there's no IKEA in Idaho unfortunately. Let's put a little pin in that idea because I bet that's in the very near future (hint hint).

Pier 1 imports weren't owning this study with only 5 states choosing but Idaho sure loves them. You can find them in a few locations from Boise to Meridian. There is that one Pier 1 Imports outside the Boise Towne Square. You can find it when your driving around that circle. The other is newer located in the Village at Meridian. That one is located down by the Nike Outlet.

Photo by: Emily Porter/House Method
Photo by: Emily Porter/House Method


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