Security measures at Gowen Field and Mountain Home Air Force Base have been raised in response to a national directive from U.S. Northern Command.  The directive included every military base in North America.  The level has been raised from Alpha to Bravo.  There are four levels of security with Delta being the most severe threat.  The last time military facilities were at Bravo level was the tenth anniversary of the September 11th Attacks.

Protecting Idahoans is of highest concern at Gowen Field.  "Our personnel are our most important resource and we're taking additional measures to protect them and our other assets.  Some of those measures are visible and some are not visible," said Col. Tim Marsano, Idaho National GuardPublic Affairs Officer.

Mountain Home Air Force Base issued the following statement in reply to our request for information.  "The security at MHAFB has increased in accordance with a U.S. Northern Command directive, and we cannot discuss the timeline or duration of the increase. These measures are not in response to a specific threat, but one of the ways we ensure the safety of our personnel and assets."

What this means to civilians, military personnel and their family members is longer lines into military bases.  Several sources throughout the country have told me of the bases/posts once again arming guards at entrances.  Vehicles are now being searched more thoroughly when entering facilities.   Military personnel and their families have been warned about being targeted by ISIS through their social media postings.

Pentagon Spokesman Army Col. Steve Warrren expanded on the social media threat to DOD News.   “Some of you can see for yourselves -- you can look at Twitter or at other social media sites and see threats,” Warren said.

The threat of ISIS is real and the increased security at Gowen and Mountain Home military bases prove that.

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