Kid’s Medicines Recalled for ‘Microbial Contamination’
The stuff you get your kiddos so they feel better could potentially be making them even sicker. At least when it comes to these specific products that have been recalled because there's a chance of 'microbial contamination'.
According to KTVB, "King Bio is voluntarily recalling 32 children's medicines" that could result in life-threatening infections. The good news is that there have been no reports of illness (thank goodness!), but the company decided it's better to be safe than sorry, and issued a voluntary recall for the medicine found in different retail stores.
Here's a full list of the recalled medicines:
- DK Attention & Learning Enh.
- Chicken Pox Symptom Relief
- Children's Appetite & Weight
- Children's Appetite Enhance
- Children's Cough Relief
- Children's Fever Reliever
- Children's Growth & Development
- DK Newborn Tonic
- DK Nosebleed Relief
- TonsilPlex
- Children's Ear Relief Formula
- DK Teething
- DK Colic Relief
- Tummy Aches
- Kids Multi-Strain Flu Relief
- Kids Stress & Anxiety
- Kids Sleep Aid
- Kids Bed Wetting (NP)
- Kids Candida 4 oz
- Kids Attention & Learning (SCRX)
- Bed Wetting Prevention (SCRX)
- Chicken Pox Symptom Relief (SCRX)
- Childrens Cough (SCRX)
- Children’s Ear Formula (SCRX)
- Children’s Fever Reliever (SCRX)
- Children’s Growth & Development (SCRX)
- Colic Relief (SCRX)
- Newborn Tonic (SCRX)
- Teething (SCRX)
- Tummy Aches (SCRX)
- Children’s Apetite & Weight (SCRX)
- Children’s Appetite Enhancer (SCRX)
CLICK HERE for the full story.