Missed Connections Monday – We Danced to Gloriana in Caldwell
Was someone checking you out at the bar over the weekend? Catch a cutie staring you down in traffic? Someone might be looking for you in Boise Missed Connections!
Every Monday we rip some off the best anonymous Missed Connections posted on the Boise Craigslist for your reading pleasure. Who knows, maybe one of these days someone will be looking for you! Here's some of our favorites from over the weekend:
Kyle - W4M (Caldwell)
Our paths passed and while it was great you told me things I know you don't lie and I can't get them out my head like.. every since the day you seen me you wanted to know me, or I'm special and different than her when I accused you of cheating. I have tried to move on I just can't get you out of my head 😢 really sadness cause I know there is no chance for us from the Court stuff but I miss and love you deeply.
😢 you danced w me in our room to Gloriana (kissed you) goodnight after you told me you don't dance. That made my hole life better when in your arms.Hope you see I'm sorry for the wrong we both did and hope you contact me I love you Ky
White Eclipse @ The Mall - W4M (Boise)
Ive seen you walking into your work in the mornings from your car. I was in old chicago with my brother not to long ago and saw you come out from the back to talk to a gentleman at the bar. Im embarassed and shy to talk to you out of no where. If by some chance you read this (doubt it) email me and perhaps we could grab a drink or something funner than that.
Dutch Bros Hottie @ Fairview - M4W (Boise)
Not necessarily a connection as I'm sure you aren't pining over me, but I just gotta get this out there: DAMN! You are AMAZING! You have some great ink and a nose piercing. Your eyes drive me crazy. And the leggings you wear while working the espresso machine? Fantastic! The blue Nike hat looks cute on you too. The things I imagine doing with you are practically limitless. You wake me up in the morning more than the coffee. You probably won't see this and even if you do you wouldn't be interested in me BUT it still could be worth your while to reply. We could come up with some ideas where you help fuel my fantasies and I help you in whatever manner you like ;) Send a face pic so I know it's you.
Need more Missed Connections in your life? We get it, they're completely addictive. Check out more anonymous Missed Connections from the Treasure Valley here.
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