Over the weekend I learned of the sudden passing of my high school principal Mr. Whalen, but from it the most amazing thing happened.  Combing through Facebook posts and comments made me realize what a difference this man made in so many lives. I guess I didn't realize it at the time and often times he and I would butt heads.  Whether it was because I was caught talking too much in math class....or fighting for all students to have off campus lunch privileges as student body president, he always took the time to listen and made us feel important.

I still believe that he knew every single name of the 2500 students he watched over.  We laughed when his 5'6' frame would run through the halls in a letterman's jacket yelling "Remember to always have a PMA!" (Positive Mental Attitude) or would tell opposing teams that as a Manzano Monarch we "bleed purple."

My parents attended his rosary as it was in Albuquerque and I could not be there for it. They said every pew in the church was full.  Most wore purple.  It got me thinking how this man, the man who most high schoolers should fear, how he was so loved and why so many wanted to be there to say goodbye and pray for his family.

I am convinced Mr. Whalen made a difference because of two things.  1) He made every single person feel important.  Even when you were being a knucklehead kid.  He cared. 2) He showed up. I played basketball, softball and golf.  I remember each time seeing Mr. Whalen show up even if it was just for quarter.  It meant so much because playing girl sports you didn't really see the support the boys did so to have him show up made us feel important.  So.  There you have it.

Make people feel important


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