So, when you move to Idaho, you're supposed to get a Driver's license within 90 days of moving. Yeah I've been here for almost two years without getting that done, so needless to say, it was time. And today was the day.

I got up early did my hair (no one wants crazy hair on their license), and went straight to DMV. I'm used to 2-3 hour wait times at DMVs in California, but I didn't know what to expect here in Idaho. Luckily, after about an hour of waiting in the lobby, my number was called.

So, you have to show proof of residency with a utility bill that has your address on it. So I handed her mine, and I grabbed one that DIDN'T have my name on it! UGGGGHHH. Thank goodness I have a ton of bills, and I found one in my car that did, phew.

Then, came time for the test. Now I hadn't taken a driver test in about 10 years, so I was a bit nervous. You have to correctly answer 34/40 questions and I........passed!

Now I just have to wait for my hard copy in the mail, and I won't get that funny look from bouncers at the bar.



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