Old Fort Boise Days
What does an old photo of the Hudson Bay Company have to do with Old Fort Boise Days? Well read on you curious history buff!
A lot of Treasure Valley residents may not know that the Hudson Bay Company - you know, from the days of mountain men, like Hugh Glass (The Revenant), Jim Bridger, Kit Carson, plus the hundreds (possibly thousands) of others like them who just weren't as famous...probably at one time or another, were associated with the Hudson Bay Company.
One of them, a guy by the name of Thomas McKay, decided to build a fort at the mouth of the Boise River, just west of what is now Parma. In 1854, because of frequent attacks by Native American tribes, the fort was eventually abandoned.
BUT! Gold got discovered in the Boise Basin in 1862, and the military decided they needed another fort to keep the ever increasing number of travelers safe. They built a new fort in 1863, and a town sprung up next to it. Yup....you got it....welcome to Parma!
So...tonight (Wed, June 7th) the history is celebrated in Parma! Old Fort Boise Days is a community event celebrating the history and agricultural heritage of Parma and Fort Boise. They host a Miss Old Fort Boise pageant, concerts, volleyball tournament, a parade, a fun run, craft and vendor show, car show, quilt and art show. The celebration runs through Saturday, June 10th!
It's a piece of Americana at it's finest, and the people of Parma are proud of their roots!
So...if you're looking for something to do....head to Parma! You don't have to work for the Hudson Bay Company any more!