I'm one of the clumsiest people you will ever meet. I drop things and trip all the time. I can easily relate to Josh Jira out in Ohio who recently shot himself accidentally and was so embarrassed by the incident that he told cops he was the victim of a carjacking gone wrong! Josh ended up being charged with possessing a weapon and filing a false report.

I would never stoop to that, but I've had my fair share of embarrassment. While we were headed to Memphis I tripped over a man's carry-on bag in front of me, and on the way back I tripped over my own feet and literally fell flat on my face. I was mortified, but it gets even better. Last time I was in an airport, my dress became entangled in the escalator and as the machine started sucking my dress in I was afraid it was gong to rip right off of me! (Luckily, Rick pushed the emergency stop button just in time!)

I've tried desperately to fix my clumsiness, but nothing ever seems to work, so I've decided to just own it. Yes, I leave crumbs around; I lose things; I trip all the time, but it's part of what makes me me!

I was happy to hear that some of you have embarrassing clumsiness too.

Shelly in Mountain Home says she found her son limping around one day and he told her he just tripped. She found out the next morning that he had really crashed on a motorcycle and he had road rash so bad, that his underwear was stuck to his bum!

Evette in Nampa rode a 4 wheeler right after giving birth. When she went to the Dr. for her 6 week check up they asked her why her thighs were so bruised and she lied saying she wanted to take the baby on a bike ride and wrecked her bike. Neither situation sounds good to us!

Ashley in Eagle says she was drunk one night and broke her tailbone riding a cardboard box down the stairs. She told everyone she fell in the shower instead!

Here's to awkwardness Idaho!

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