If your garage looks anything like mine, you've probably got a "stuff" corner where you keep assembling the stuff you need to sell (or donate) and it keeps getting bigger. 

This weekend, many people just like us will have a chance for you to find the treasures they need to clear out of the house at Idaho's Largest Garage Sale, Saturday at Expo Idaho.

The event happens rain or shine, so watch the weather for what you need to wear and plan to join us to grab incredible deals.

So here are the basics you need to know: 

When: Saturday from 7am – 6pm

Where: The West Parking Lot of The Expo Idaho in Garden City

Tickets are just $3 cash at the gate

Pets are Not allowed

You may bring small snacks and non-alcoholic beverages

Food vendors will also be available.

If you are hoping to get the most out of your garage sale time this weekend, I've also linked you to the 4 Garage Sale Shopping Tips from Money Crashers (including negotiation and time-management tips).

Good luck, and happy shopping!

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