Remember – There’s Still a LOT of Good Things About Idaho
We get it. It can be fatiguing reading about all the crime happening in the Gem State, not to mention the current political climate.
Just know that we still have it really really good here in Idaho.
Here's some stats to know about Idaho the next time you feel all the doom and gloom from headlines:
- Idaho is one of the safest places to live in America
- We pay much less for gas than our friends on the west coast
- Boise is one of America's top 10 cities for military veterans
- U.S. News named Boise one of the country's hottest new culinary destinations
- Idaho is the only U.S. state to make Vogue's "Top 10 Travel Destinations" list in 2017
- We have the best french fries. Period.
- Forbes named Boise the second best city in America for young professionals
- Idaho has one of the lowest costs of living on average across the country
As Rihanna said, don't let the bastards get you down. Idaho is an amazing place to live, and we should consider ourselves lucky to call her home.
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