On June 15, we received calls around 3 pm about a Sasquatch wandering around Julia Davis Park. We received more than one call about a Sasquatch about 7' tall, hairy, and hiding behind trees. Knowing that Idaho is a very "Squatchy" state and that there have been sightings throughout Idaho, this got our attention. For the first time, there were sightings of a Sasquatch near Downtown Boise, and from the calls that were received throughout the afternoon, the Sasquatch then went to Parkcenter Park near Barbacoa and was there around 4 o'clock.

Kyle Matthews
Kyle Matthews

Luckily, we are located just a block away from Parkcenter Park and were able to get there quickly enough to spot the Sasquatch in its natural element. After being able to convince my boss that this was legit, I was able to get down there and snap a picture. When I finally got down to Parkcenter Park, some people gathered, listening to music and enjoying the sunny afternoon on the rooftop of Barbacoa. While there, we got our eyes on the Sasquatch, the people who called in and reported the sightings had an excellent description of the Sasquatch but missed a couple of particular details. They didn't mention that he was wearing a hat and a flannel shirt. Once I saw the Sasquatch for myself, I felt like I had seen this Sasquatch before. The Sasquatch was part of a logo for Sasquatch Contracting.

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We even captured the Sasquatch in its natural element, dancing and handing out tickets to Boise Music Festival. Not wanting to disturb the Sasquatch, we continued to follow it to Ann Morrison Park, where we finally decided to capture the Sasquatch, or maybe the Sasquatch just needed a nap after Happy Hour at Barbacoa.

kyle matthews
kyle matthews

Sasquatch Contracting

Design, renovation, additions, countertops, quartz, granite, flooring, laminate, carpet, paint, painting, windows, siding, remodels, kitchens, flips, home sale prep, appliances, bathrooms, plumbing, showers, walk-in showers, tile, backsplashes and much more.

In Search Of Sasquatch: Is Idaho Bigfoot's Favorite State?

Where are you most likely to catch a glimpse of Bigfoot? Is it in Idaho? We have the stats thanks to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

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