
Boise’s Guru Donuts on Fun Competition Show
Boise’s Guru Donuts on Fun Competition Show
Boise’s Guru Donuts on Fun Competition Show
Guru Donuts started in 2012 out of a garage in Boise and now is getting some fantastic national attention. They now have two Treasure Valley locations, (no more garage!) One in Downtown Boise and one in Eagle. There are a lot of things that make this donut shop special. Almost all of their ingredients are local. They even use beat sugar. They feature unique and classic favorites.
Greg Resists the Kitchen Donuts
Greg Resists the Kitchen Donuts
Greg Resists the Kitchen Donuts
Do you ever have delicious non-healthy food delivered to your work too?  Every Thursday we have BOXES of donuts delivered to us so that means every Thursday I experience the struggle of staying true to my diet, while all these donuts are in our kitchen just calling to me...