Well it seems like 2020 ain't all bad...

Although 2020 has been rough, there has been some bright moments. And some of those moments have quite literally been bright. We've seen some stellar things in the sky like meteor showers and even two full moons in the month of October alone. Now, we're getting something that I believe is even bigger.

The Christmas Star.

First, let me temper those hopes just a little bit because this isn't actually a star. However, it is a very bright and radiant point of light in the sky. On December 21, both Jupiter and Saturn will be perfectly aligned in the night sky and since planets usually look like giant stars to the naked eye, this will create a massive glow in the sky, like a gigantic star. It will almost look like the two planets have collided into one massive light.

Experts say the magnitude of this will be the brightest they've seen in almost 800 years.

The aligning of these two planets happens about every 20 years, but it sounds like this year will be extra special. Many call this light in the sky the Christmas Star or the Star of Bethlehem. Which, for those who believe in Jesus Christ and celebrate his birth at Christmas will get tickled to think we could be viewing the same phenomenon that the wise men saw all those years ago.

If I were you, I would put a reminder in my phone to keep my eyes to the sky on December 21.

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