We sure do love our wide-open roads and breathtaking landscapes in Idaho. But let's talk about something less beautiful: our teen driving record. According to WalletHub's 2024 analysis, Idaho ranks 47th nationwide for teen drivers. Yes, you read that right. It looks like we've decided to take the scenic route to the bottom of the list!

Do you think your teen driver is better than most?

Our teens are eager to embrace the freedom of the open road but perhaps a little too eager. This ranking highlights a glaring need for improvement in safety measures and driving laws. Who knew that updating road quality and enforcing traffic laws could actually save lives? Apparently, other states did.

Safety should be at the forefront of our minds—not just for our teens but for everyone sharing the roads. Parents, it's time to have those eye-roll-inducing safety talks and set good examples because our current strategy of 'hoping for the best' isn't entirely cutting it. Meanwhile, perhaps our policymakers could take a break from their busy schedules to focus on laws tackling distracted driving and DUIs. Just a thought.

Which one of your teenager's friends don't you want them driving with?

Improving our ranking will take a community effort—maybe even a miracle. But hey, if we can collectively marvel at our natural beauty, surely we can rally together to make our roads safer for our young drivers. Thanks, WalletHub, for giving us a not-so-gentle nudge with your ranking. Time to step it up, Idaho!

The Five Worst States For Teen Drivers

According to Wallethub, these are the five worst states for teen drivers.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

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Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

Please Look: Have You Seen Idaho's 23 Missing Teens?

Ages 13 to 18, from Nampa to Sandpoint, these Idaho teens vanished without a trace. Do you recognize any of them?

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