Can you guess what is on this quilt? Once you see it, you can't unsee it.

When I was in college, there was an abstract painting in the lobby of the dorm I lived in. It just looked like a bunch of bright colors randomly splattered on a canvas. That is, until somebody pointed out the donkey in the painting. Once you saw the donkey, that's all you could see -- there it was -- a brightly colored donkey in all of its jackass glory.

My 8 year old daughter, Tess, recently got a handmade quilt in the mail from her aunt in Michigan. It's gorgeous! But it has, what appears to be a random pattern on it.





We called Tess' aunt and asked about the pattern. When she told us what it was, and we turned the quilt the right way we instantly saw what it's supposed to be. Guesses?





It's a horse!

And just like the painting when I was in college, all I can see now is an extreme close up of a purple horse. Did you get it right?

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