What Would You Do With $10,000? Idaho Answers:
We are giving you a chance to win some serious cash and unlike with a lottery ticket you don't have to pay a dime to play. Simply download the free station app and listen on the radio for codewords, the more you hear and enter into the app, the more entries you have for the grand drawing of $10,000. We are also drawing weekly $2,000 winners! So now is the fun time to think, dream and plan what you would do if you won $10,000. We have received all kinds of responses from Idahoans ranging from thoughtful, ridiculous, funny, and smart. Check it out:
Chris A. - Bass Fishing Tournaments
Katie B. - Let me tell ya having a family of 5 with 3 of us soon to be 4 of us hunting. 10,000 would go a long away for us. A new camper would be awesome for sure.
Patti A. - Love love love golfing.. Wish I had more time for it!
Sue M. - Take my family to Costa Rica!
Karly J. Horses! Most expensive hobby I’ve ever had and wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Heather C. - Saving towards a new home or an engine for my husband's truck
Joshua R. - Hunting is my big cash pit. Between Archery and rifle seasons I'm always out in the woods
Aaron D. - Take my kids to LegoLand.
Mitchell D. - Cows! More cows!
Steven C. - I would love to take my kids anywhere they wanted to go they haven't been able to get out Idaho since being born things have been tough
Sarah B. - It would be amazing to win not sure what I would do with the money!
Tami C. - I need a new stove and new floors in our house. This would be awesome
Kaley H.S. - A proper honeymoon. Not sure it even matters where at this point.
Nicole D. - Horses!!!! My daughter is hooked. We are finding out just how expensive, needing a horse trailer, hay and riding stuff. New panels for the round pen... the list goes on!!
Jessica B. - Wardrobe and kitchen
Holly J. - Trip to Italy!! Wine country, amazing views, spectacular food and history!!!
Heather C. - Anything and everything outdoors!! Camping, jet skiing, boating, snowmobiles, dirt biking and 4 wheelers. Fishing and hunting. #1 hobby our children!! Everything we do has been for them to make good memories!!
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