You’ll Probably Get This Candy In Your Halloween Bucket, Idaho
Are you trick-or-treating this year?
The big day is just about here. I'm talking about Halloween. Actually, if you blink it will be here in no time.
So what's on the agenda this year?
Are you the type who suits up with the kiddos and trick-or-treats? Or do you host the biggest Halloween party on the block? Either way, there lots of treats to be enjoyed. It's the perfect excuse to indulge in all of your favorites.
Heck, you may be like me and you've already started the indulging train. I can't seem to stay away from all of the chocolate right now; peanut butter cups, dark chocolate squares, swigs of chocolate syrups right out of the bottle... OK, I'm not entirely proud of that last one, but I feel like I need to be honest here.
Give me all of the sugar!
With that being said, there are hundreds of sweet options for Halloween. Perhaps you have already started stocking up on the treats you will be handing out this year. After all, candy is expensive and shopping a little here and there before October 31st may lessen the blow a bit. Now, I bet I can guess what you're buying.
It's probably Red Vines.
Yep. These sweet red straws seems to be at the top of our list for Halloween 2021. Exciting? No. The worst candy you can get? Also no. We were just expecting something different.
That's according to data collected from InstaCart by FoodBeast. They looked at what candies were being ordered through Instacart the most in each state. And for Idaho and pretty much the entire Pacific Northwest, it's Red Vines.
Maybe people are using these to make a cool Halloween craft. Or perhaps we're stocking these are straws for our epic Halloween party. I enjoy drinking Pepsi with one of these because it adds a slight cherry flavor. You know, maybe we just forgot that Reese's Peanut Butter Cups exist.
It's not too late to fix this, people.