5th Annual Women Ignite Conference 2018 at the Boise Centre
They call it WICON as in Women Ignite Conference, and it will be at the Boise Centre in October! Don't miss this chance to really engross yourself in something for YOU.
Not only will there be amazing networking opportunities but also the first female NFL coach Dr. Jen Welter will be a keynote speaker! October 26th and 27th at the Boise Centre. The tradeshow is one of the past year favorites! The Women Ignite Conference is really something you need to MAKE time for. It's hard with how busy life is but not only the company you'll have there, the information you'll learn but the memories you make are what make this event so special.
This event is open to anyone who wants to get tickets, that means guys you too! Many men have been to hear Jen Welter speak, the first female NFL coach. I think personally I am most excited about the FASHION SHOW, but it's not what you think as far as normal fashion shows and it will be on Friday at 7-9pm. They describe it on the website as The WI BeYOUty and Fashion Show #NotWhatYouThink.
Get your tickets for both days and get ready for a fun time. Email billyandcharene@mix106radio.com if you want a seat at Charene's table for FREE.