Well, I admit....I'm a little bit of a pack rat.  I justify holding on to "stuff" because I have moved a lot, and well, you couldn't hold on to stuff if you move a lot right?  You automatically MUST be neat and tidy because you have to unpack it and repack it right?  Wrong!  


My sister gave me a book for Christmas called "The Life-Changing Magic of tidying up".  At first I thought it was one of those gifts that you give because you can't think of anything else to get someone, but I was wrong.  As I flipped through the pages and read bits and pieces I must admit....something happened.  I have been struggling with unloading a lot of stuff that I was holding on to for some reason.  No idea why until I read this book.

I will give you two examples of how the book has helped me and given me ways to get rid of stuff that I wasn't able to, but there are many more.  You gotta read it fully to appreciate how simple, light, and free you could feel once you get rid of the things that feel like they are weighing you down.  "When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order too".  I love this quote from the book written by Marie Kondo.

Marie suggests placing EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING you have in a pile on the floor.  She says to go through and pick up each item and decide if you love it and it makes you happy you own it. If the answer isn't yes, discard it. The trick is to get every single thing you own (even if it is in another closet or drawer). I did this and I can't even believe how many things went in the donation or discard bag!

The second thing that is very hard for me to get rid of is books.  To me, a good book is like a friend or memory.  Getting rid of my books is a very challenging process.  Marie Kondo says the same thing about books.  She suggests putting all books in a pile on the floor.  The rule is "If it gives you a thrill of pleasure when you touch it" then you can keep it otherwise, it's time to let that go.

I must say that usually I wait until the new year to start worrying about all of the things I have to do to make my life more organized, but honestly after reading the book, I was surprised at how quick I was able to do some things that were in the back of my mind making me feel like the list was getting long. I hope you read and enjoy the book like I did as you get tidy and organized in 2016!  I still have plenty more to do, but I gotta say, I feel way better having a plan and this book really helped!



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