A Show After Manchester
Enjoying a show after the tragic events in Manchester will be hard, but we must.
On Monday, a suicide bomber took the lives of 22 people and injured 59 at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
Since then, authorities have confirmed that it was--in fact-- a terrorist attack claimed by ISIS.
Everyone in the arena was there for one thing, to watch one of their favorite artists perform. For some, it was one of many concerts, to others, it was their very first concert experience. For all of them, it will be a night they'll never forget.
So what happens now? How do we enjoy shows in the age of suicide bombings and attacks?
We do it, because we have to.
I'd be lying if I said I don't get nervous in large crowds, or don't worry about what the person next to me is hiding. But to live in fear is not an option. We can't let them win, and for us to sit back and miss out on life---is them winning.
One of the most anticipated shows of the year is tonight: Tim & Faith's Soul to Soul Tour at the Taco Bell Arena. Thousands will be there to do one thing: watch some of their favorite artists perform. Let us be brave and keep living life and loving music. They will NOT win. They will not take our love of music and concert experiences. We must keep going.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected in the Manchester tragedy, and with those around the world who despite the ugly in the world keep going.
With that being said, the Taco Bell Arena wants to assure you that your security is of upmost importance.
Here's a statement from the Taco Bell Arena concerning the Manchester attacks:
We are saddened by the attack in Manchester, and our thoughts are with all of those impacted. The securing of events at Taco Bell Arena to provide for the safety of artists, fans and staff is of utmost importance, and is a collaborative effort involving input and resources from Tour Security, Taco Bell Arena Administration, Boise State University Public Safety, and local jurisdictional and federal agencies.
What actions do security personnel take at Taco Bell Arena?
A variety of industry standard procedures are implemented, some of which include magnetometer screening, bag searches, perimeter reinforcement, continuous training of event staff and other recommended best practices as set forth by the International Association of Venue Managers. The coordinated event management structure operates under the National Incident Management Structure.
What steps can you take to help and stay safe?
In light of recent incidents, we encourage all attendees at events to maintain a heightened sense of awareness, and communicate concerns regarding a person, vehicle or package that seems out of place; security measures are enhanced by communication resulting from tips from alert eyes and ears. The If You See Something, Say Something™ campaign is a simple and effective program to engage the public and key front line employees in identifying and reporting indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to the proper law enforcement authorities. In Taco Bell Arena, notify the nearest Taco Bell Arena Staff or text 69050 / ARENA / then relay the situation. You can also call the Taco Bell Arena Command Center (208) 426-3427. For an emergency coming into an event in a parking garage or on the street call 9-1-1.In addition to participating in the security measures in place and following instructions from event staff, attendees are encouraged to take note of their physical surroundings, and discuss/develop personal response plans for themselves and their party that could be deployed if an incident or emergency should unfold.
From everyone on the WOW 104.3 staff, please be safe tonight! Check your surroundings, be vigilant, but most of all PLEASE ENJOY THE SHOW, YOU MUST!