The coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of hard stories in the news, but it has also turned out some really good stories about people doing good for others. From surprise graduation parties from fathers for their daughters to garbagemen helping out an elderly woman on their route, there's no end of stories to bring you smiles.
Bobby Bones decided to highlight just some of the awesome things happening by expanding 'Tell Me Something Good' into a whole segment full of good news stories amid the coronavirus outbreak called 'The Good News Countdown.' Here they are:
1. A new survey found we've really come to respect essential workers. 80% of us admire healthcare workers more than we used to.
2. 108-year-old Sylvia Goldsholl in New Jersey is the new oldest person in America to officially beat the coronavirus. Less than a week after Nancy Chazen, Goldsholl’s niece, got a call from her nursing home saying Goldsholl had the virus, the nursing home called Chazen again. She had recovered. She has now lived through two pandemics: She was born in 1911, the eldest of four children, and was 6 when the Spanish flu pandemic struck the United States.
3. A garbageman in Kentucky noticed a 90-year-old woman hadn't put her trash out in a while, and checked in on her. It turned out she'd been low on supplies for weeks, and didn't have any food. So the sanitation company stepped up and bought her groceries.
4. A dad in Memphis built a stage, and threw an elaborate graduation for his daughter. Gabrielle Pierce was devastated, 4 years, all that work, and no chance to walk across the stage at Xavier University in Louisiana. Her dad wasn’t going to let that fly, so he threw her a graduation himself. A full stage, presenters, a loudspeaker blaring The Graduation March, and neighbors lining the street.
5. And even more bonus good news stories about this year's graduates have started flooding in.