Boise Businesses Making a Difference
I want to cry every time I think of the generosity so many have shown in this community when others need and ask. We had one special place here in Boise that stepped up bigger than we could've ever dreamed.
The Red Lion Hotel Boise Downtowner on Fairview Avenue is where we held our first ever Rick and Carly's Kids Banquet. We initially were just looking for a venue and expected we'd have to pay, at least something but when we finally sat down to discuss what Rick and Carly's Kids is and what we need they stopped us dead in our tracks and said they'll take care of everything. Food, audio, video, venue, etc.
The Red Lion Hotel helped us accommodate 12 beautiful Treasure Valley kids that have gone through catastrophic struggles in their lives. Not just the kids, but their families as well.
Some of the kids have severe food allergies but the chef at Red Lion came through big time, making sure every person had a top notch 5 star meal in front of them. The banquet room was absolutely gorgeous with round tables, chairs, and an elegant look that made us all feel as if we were living the high life.
We had a slide show playing on a huge screen set up with beautiful background music to set the mood as Carly and I were able to step up and discuss our journey over the past year with Rick and Carly's Kids. Watching all those beautiful faces coming together, knowing they aren't alone... that there's others right here struggling as much or maybe even more than they do... that was special.
Stories were told, pictures were taken, tears were shed, and magic was in the air. The very first time we had ever been able to bring all these wonderful families together was better than we could've ever imagined. And it didn't cost us a penny. That's right. Red Lion took care of everything for FREE. They didn't ask for mentions on the radio or something on our website or for anything else we could've provided. They simply did it for the best reason of all. Out of the goodness of their hearts. They did it because they love this community. They love the good that's being done right here in the Treasure Valley and they want to make a difference.
Sometimes we forget how much good there is out there because the bad seems to always be smacking us in the face. I'm telling you the good is there. There's lots of it and I'm so grateful for it. Thank you Red Lion Hotel for making this happen. Without you, it wouldn't have.