Hold on to your britches!  Boise makes another Top 10 list and this one's a Dooozy!!

US News has just jumped on board the Boise Band Wagon.  Yup... they're saying we're the #6 best city to live in America.  Think about how many cities there are.  Hundreds of thousands and we're #6!  Not the best city for jobs, best city for weather, best city for riding a donkey down 8th street in the middle of the night... No... We're #6 overall.


I've lived in a lot of cities in my lifetime.  Born and raised in San Diego.  Did two years in Washington.  A year in a cool little college town in Arkansas.  Two decades in Salt Lake City.  I've got to be honest... Boise is where it's at!


The rankings take in consideration, things like housing affordability, cost of living, weather, commute times, average salary etc.

Check out all the criteria and rankings below


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