BSU Junior Proposes New “Sexual Health” Vending Machines
Now, there are already some vending machines that offer contraceptives for students on campus, but one BSU junior is proposing additional items.
According to KTVB, Haydn Bryan, is suggesting new vending machines that would include items like, "pregnancy tests, ibuprofen, allergy medicine, Midol, tampons, condoms, [and] Plan B".
"It reduces the stigma for sexual health items definitely when they are placed next to food items, it makes it a more normal occurrence when just purchasing a pregnancy test or a soda right next to it."
He says he got the idea from UC Davis, where these types of machines are already available for students.
The next step is to get an endorsement from the Asoociated Students of BSU, then get a sponsorship to pay for the $4,000 vending machine that would be placed by the bookstore.
Read the full story HERE.