Caldwell Mom Arrested For Starving Her Baby
This mom fed her infant only kool-aid and watered down milk to survive on. She's now locked up, behind bars in the Canyon County Jail.
Back in March 21-year-old Tiffany Knapp received a harsh warning about properly taking care of her baby. Knapp didn't seem to take the warning serious enough. For months she had been feeding her child just kool-aid and watered down milk to survive on.
Officers were called in to help Protective Services where they found a severely malnourished infant not far off from death. Knapp's baby was born three months premature which required her to feed the baby a special medical type of formula but she never did. Here response to officers was... "I just spaced it."
The baby is now in the custody of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The West Valley Emergency Room said the baby would most likely have died within days without proper nourishment.
Knapp has finally been arrested after an almost six month investigation. The prosecutors wanted to make sure everything was thoroughly investigated. Knapp is now in the Canyon County Jail on $50,000 bond. The baby is with a foster family and has gained over four pounds within three weeks.