Caldwell Mom Donates Kidney To Save Son’s Life
What better gift to give than the gift of life. Most moms would say they'd do this for their child. One mom in Caldwell has been put to the test. And she's a hero!
6-year-old Landyn Ozuna-Valdez was born with posterior urethra valves. A blockage of his urethra. He's spent a lot of time over the past six years in and out of children's hospitals. Surgery on his bladder has implanted a g-tube which is a feeding tube in his stomach.
He's had an obstruction in his kidneys which have only worked at 27% since the day he was born. They're now only working at 15%.
Landyn's mom, Tanis will be donating a new kidney to Landyn which should improve his quality of life. Eventually Landyn will have to get another kidney transplant when he gets older, but this one should get him through a number of good, solid years.
Mom didn't even think twice about the procedure. What mom would? She's excited to give her beautiful son a chance at a long, healthy life. Hulk T-shirts are for sale with proceeds going to the Ozuna family to help with travel costs because the procedure will take place in Portland. Buy a t-shirt HERE..