First Responder Bill Could Provide Coverage for PTSD
Our first responders put their lives on the line every single day. While most of their days they don't experience serious injuries, sometimes, paramedics, firefighters, police and correctional officers, and others see and experience things that change and affect them mentally.
Unfortunately-according to KTVB- worker's compensation doesn't cover medical costs associated with mental health issues "unless it's accompanied by a physical injury." If first responders want to or seek help for PTSD, for example, they have to take personal time off.
So, what can be done? According to KTVB, the 'first responder bill', led by House Democratic leader, Rep. Mat Erpelding, seeks to change those workman's compensation regulations.
Our first responder bill takes our workman's compensation insurance fund and adds a critical component to help them with their mental health.
There's been an attempt at this before but failed in the 1990s. The bill is headed to the Senate, and if passed, will move to the House.