Yesterday I had a rough day.  But a small gesture from a total stranger turned it around.

At the end of the show yesterday, I was really cranky.  A coworker (Alana wants me to point out it was NOT her) really got under my skin.  At one point I may have considered the cost / benefit analysis of hitting somebody in the face with a shovel.  (Not something I recommend by the way… cops frown on it.)

I had to run some errands and ended up at the store.  After a little grouchy grocery shopping I returned to my car to find a piece of paper tucked under my windshield wiper.  My first thought was that somebody dinged my car in the parking lot and left a note.  I started to growl as I reached for it and found my frown instantly turned upside down.

Some random stranger left me a note on my car that simply read, “HAVE A GREAT DAY.”

What a great idea!  Let’s paper vehicles all over the Treasure Valley with positive, encouraging notes.  You have no idea… your little note may help prevent somebody from being hit in the face with a shovel.

You on board?  Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

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