My family and I are heading down to our very first family vacation in San Diego. I am BEYOND excited not only because we're going to check some of the best attractions in the country like SeaWorld, San Diego Zoo/Safari Park, and Legoland, but because it's the first time I'll get to travel with my bonus kiddo and experience all these fun activities as a family. However, because I have a type A personality I'm that person that goes a little too far planning for a trip (guilty). So, naturally I thought of making these fun Legoland-themed family t-shirts for our trip.

The tutorial I found on Pinterest was super easy (I simplified it even more) and the process could be used for any type of occasion, so I thought I'd share! Here's what you'll need.

  • T-shirts - I found mine at Walmart IN THE CRAFT SECTION (they're half the price than on the rack).
  • Remnant fabric - I bought Fat Quarters at Walmart, they're the perfect size and only $0.98 each!
  • Spray Adhesive - I used Elmer's CraftBond at Walmart
  • Sharp Scissors
  • Template for your desired shapes
  • Pencil
  • Sewing machine (optional)
  • Fabric Marker (optional)


  • Credit: Dan Kitwood / Staff | Getty Images
    Credit: Dan Kitwood / Staff | Getty Images

    Choose your design

    In my case I just had to find the shape of a Lego head. I found it HERE. Print out your design/s and cut them out.

  • Credit: Tay Jnr | ThinkStock
    Credit: Tay Jnr | ThinkStock

    Trace and Cut

    Use your pencil and lightly trace the shape onto the fabric. Cut out the fabric with your very sharp scissors - I had to sharpen mine because it was awful trying it with dull blades.

  • Credit: george tsartsianidis | ThinkStock
    Credit: george tsartsianidis | ThinkStock

    Spray and Stick

    Now it's time to spray the adhesive onto the cut out fabric. You'll want to bond the fabric onto the t-shirt within 15 seconds of spraying for a super strong hold. And make sure you're fabric is straight!!

    *Optional: you can stitch your fabric on with your sewing machine so you'll know those suckers will never come off.

  • Credit: Zizly | TSM Boise
    Credit: Zizly | TSM Boise

    Add the Details

    Here's where the fun part comes in. Add in all those extra little details that complete your look. For my project I found Lego men/women faces online and just drew them on with my fabric marker (be careful though that ink will smear EVERYWHERE if you're not careful--let it dry for at least 24 hours).

    I also used some puff paint for the letters and detail in the bow!

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