Idaho Girl Raises Money to Clear Classmates’ Debt
This 6-year-old is representing the Gem State well!!
Well, you wanted a feel-good story, here it is!
Amiah Van Hill from Hayden, Idaho, is only six years old, but she already has a passion to help those in need.
Amiah learned about a father of three from Seattle who raised funds to cover the unpaid debt where his kiddo went to school. According to ABCNewsRadio, Amiah wondered "if there's any kids at my school that need help paying their lunches."
Turns out there were. The young philanthropist and her mom found out there was a total of $40.55 that needed to be paid at Hayden Meadows Elementary.
Amiah decided she'd take care of it by setting up a lemonade stand back in May called "Lemonade 4 Lunch". With the help of her sister, they'd met their goal within an hour!
Knowing she could do more, they decided to set up the next weekend. Raising over $300 for nearby schools.
With momentum, Amiah decided she wanted to clear the debt from the entire Coeur d'Alene Public School district. That's a hefty goal, though, at $23,000.
Amiah is clearly tenacious, already raising over $7,000 toward her goal!
Way to go, Amiah, you make Idaho proud!