Idaho Ranks Fifth For Seismic Activity
While we were dealing with smoke and purple air alerts in the Treasure Valley, southeast Idaho was rockin' and rollin' with earthquakes! The Great Idaho ShakeOut is coming!
When you hear about earthquakes, you usually think about California, or other countries around the globe. Idaho usually isn't on the top of the list, but guess what, we are definitely earthquake country! In a recent study, Idaho ranks 5th in the nation for seismic activity!
Last week in southeast Idaho there were several earthquakes around Soda Springs (where I grew up!). Friends in my hometown are still reporting the earth shaking now and then. Luckily the epicenters are in remote areas, and no one has reported any significant damage (other than a few broken dishes or something falling off the wall).
The closest real fault line to Boise is is the Squaw Butte fault which sits approximately 25 miles north of Boise.
The Great Idaho ShakeOut is coming up on October 19th. What is that, you ask? It's a statewide earthquake drill taking place on 10/19 at 10:19 a.m. Schools, businesses and families can participate. Why register?
By registering for the ShakeOut, you or your organization will:
- Be counted in the largest-ever earthquake drill in Idaho!
- Be listed with other participants in your area (Optional)
- Be an example that motivates others to participate & prepare
- Be updated with ShakeOut news and preparedness tips
- Have peace of mind that you, your family, your co-workers and millions of others will be better prepared to survive and recover quickly from our next big earthquake!
Hey...better safe than sorry, right! Be prepared and participate in the Great Idaho ShakeOut on October 19!
Source: Great Idaho ShakeOut