International Vulture Awareness Day
You can meet Condor Joe and get your photo taken with him this Saturday at The World Center for Birds of Prey.
We've talked about the World Center for Birds of Prey before. It's right here in our own backyard. It's world renowned, and yet, a lot of local people have never been out to see it.
It's an amazing place. They have birds of prey from all over the world, and the center plays a major role in helping rehabilitate injured birds and helps with breeding programs to prevent threatened species from becoming extinct.
That brings us to this Saturday at the World Center for Birds of Prey. It's International Vulture Awareness Day. Most people think of vultures of something other than "clean up artists", but can you imagine the decay and disease that we might have around the world if scavengers like condors and vultures didn't swoop down and help clean up the dead animals and other creatures? Yikes!
Granted...they aren't always the most beautiful birds, but they are fascinating and intelligent, just like eagles and hawks, and the World Center for Birds of Prey wants you to come see for yourself.
This Saturday, you can take the family out and meet Lucy the Turkey Vulture, talk with a condor breeding expert, take your photo with Condor Joe, and participate in a "Scavenger's Scavenger Hunt." Make sure you upload your photo with Condor Joe to social media and receive 10% off vulture related merchandise.
Oh, and just to show you everyone has a sense of humor and needs to belong...bald guests receive free admission as part of their #BaldisBeautiful promotion!
Here are the details:
Saturday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The World Center for Birds of Prey
5668 W. Flying Hawk Lane
Boise, ID 83709