If you're searching for jobs, have the common sense to make your Facebook page private.  Or maybe just delete it entirely.  Because if you don't you're just BEGGING for trouble.

A new survey found the six things that a company could find on your Facebook page that would make them IMMEDIATELY stop considering you for a job.  Listen up . . .

1.  Risqué photos . . . 71% say this would instantly get you cut.

2.  Negative comments about work in GENERAL . . . 69% say it's a dealbreaker.

3.  Negative comments about your current job or a former job, 66%.

4.  Cursing, 65%.

5.  Photos of you partying and drinking, 60%.

6.  Controversial political or social opinions, 30%.  Obviously it's not legal for someone to discriminate during the hiring process, but this is before you even GET there, smart guy.

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