Just a Week After Starting MLB is in Big COVID Trouble
So much of the country was excited for the 'normalcy' that Major League Baseball brought back into our lives by kicking off the season with a kind of 'push through it' mentality. We can even get past the stands being full of cardboard cutouts and the recorded cheers from past games. Even with safety measures in place, it doesn't seem to be enough.
Just one weekend after things kicked off for MLB, the Miami Marlins reported that 40% of the team tested positive for coronavirus. At least two of the scheduled MLB games have been canceled and more are expected to be. Will MLB be able to push through it and should they? Many in the sports world are asking is it worth it?
The National Football League as of now still plan to kick off their season as planned. However with this news coming out everyone is wondering how they are going to pull that off. Players, and family members are voicing concerns.
What are you thoughts? Should sports push though and just do the best they can, or should they hold off to keep players and players families safe?
KEEP READING: See how sports around the world have been impacted by the coronavirus